Einträge von Horst Eidenmüller

Game Over: Facing the AI Negotiator

AI applications will put an end to negotiation processes as we know them. The typical back-and-forth communication and haggling in a state of information insecurity could soon be a thing of the past. AI applications will increase the information level of the parties and drastically reduce transaction costs. A quick and predictable agreement in the […]

The Advent of the AI Negotiator

Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications are increasingly used in negotiations. But how about the impact of such applications on negotiation dynamics? A key variable is information. Smart algorithms will drastically reduce information and transaction costs, improve the efficiency of negotiation processes, and identify optimal value creation options. The expected net welfare benefit for negotiators and societies […]

Law by Algorithm

Welchen Einfluss haben Digitalisierung, Blockchain-Technologie und Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) auf Rechtssetzung, Rechtswissenschaft und Rechtspraxis? Horst Eidenmüller und Gerhard Wagner untersuchen die rechtlich relevanten Entwicklungen, die dadurch geschaffenen Herausforderungen für Rechtspolitik, Rechtsprechung und Rechtsdogmatik, neue regulatorische Aufgaben sowie den Nutzen von KI-Anwendungen für Gesetzgebung und Justiz. Wie kann »Algorithmisches Recht« zum Nutzen aller Menschen eingesetzt werden? […]

What is an Arbitration? AI and the Vanishing Human Arbitrator

Technological developments, especially digitization, artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain technology, are currently disrupting the traditional format and conduct of arbitrations. Stakeholders in the arbitration market are exploring how new technologies and tools can be deployed to increase the efficiency and quality of the arbitration process. The COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating this trend. In a recent […]